I wanted to show off some more of the quilts I have made this year - both using Kate Conklin's "There's a Square in There" pattern, purchased from
Seamstar (fantastic online fabric shop!)
The first is MY quilt. I was determined to make myself a quilt before going on to make for everyone else, which is what I tend to do. The fabrics are predominantly Amy Butler with some others (including gorgeous Monaluna 100% organic cotton from Birch Fabrics). The white is 100% cotton sheeting from John Lewis - they do Kingsize which is great for quilts this size (64" square) as it means you don't need to piece the backing (bonus!)

The second is the second quilt I created using this pattern and fabulous Pat Bravo Dreaming in French Honore bundle for Lianne for her birthday (last weekend). The quilting on this was created using a lime green pearle thread (brown on the other). It is more subtle but ties in nicely with the colours and is Lianne's (and my) favourite colour, after all!

I love this pattern (infact I have made one for mum for Christmas too!) The hand quilting is very very time consuming but so effective and the quilt is so so soft as a result - it's great!
Finally, because I loved Pat Bravo's Dreaming in French range so very much, I bought the Germain bundle too
So far, I have made a baby quilt for my sister and her husband for Christmas using a pattern by Elizabeth Hartman. Her little girl is due in January and I am hoping that she loves this quilt as much as I do
This is the front:

And the back:

Inspiration for this back was taken from one of
Ashley's quilt backs - her work is amazing